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Today's quote:

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Yesterday I made an executive decision


I bought an executive office chair which allows me to watch the decline of the Australian stock market in greater comfort. 'ALDI' other things I bought from ALDI included a vacuum cleaner, a remote power point control kit, and a clip-on LED reading light.

All this "shop-till-you-drop' activity took place in Ulladulla, so came lunchtime we went to the Ex-Servos Club's Sea Salt Restaurant where I had the most delicious lamb's fry and bacon served on a bed of mashed potato and fried onion rings that I have ever tasted, washed down with a Jacob's Creek Semillon Sauvignon Blanc. Afternoon tea of homemade scones with jam and cream was at Fred and Heike's place.

I thought you might be interested in how a retiree spends his day ☺