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Today's quote:

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Forget about Route 66 - Route 760 will do me

Nine daily departures for Moruya


Padma asked me, "What are you going to do?" when I dropped her off in town for some shopping and, before I had given it any consideration, continued, "Why don't you take the bus to Moruya?" And so I did. And what an experience it has been.

Prior to this, I'd never taken a PRIORS bus. Up and down the highway and byways, through streets and suburbs I wouldn't have dreamt of driving through myself, Priors rather leisurely Scenic Express introduced me to neighbourhoods I never knew existed.


Batemans Bay to Moruya via Batehaven, Surf Beach, Malua Bay, Rosedale, Tomakin,
and Mossy Point - all interesting and very scenic destinations in their own right


Luckily, I was wearing my "other" watch as it just wouldn't have looked right holding my hand out for a senior's discount with a gold Rolex on it. And watch it I did because, despite its leisurely meander, Priors keep a tight time-table. I'm not saying they're like little Adolf whose trains always arrived on time, but arrive at the bus stop just one minute late and all you'll see is the impressive-looking rear-end of a departing bus.


I missed the 7.15 departure from the Village Centre but there's always another one


And the kind of people you meet on the bus! Some aren't even people - at least not in the accepted sense of the word, as you have to look past all those tattoos and dreadlocks and metal studs to detect anything of their now drug-induced former selves. But then, I suppose, I'm just an old fuddy-duddy who hasn't kept up with the times - although I shall keep Priors timetable as I will do it all over again some day because, at $2.50 for a daily excursion ticket, it's an absolute bargain!



Forget about Route 66. Route 760 will do me.